... and that's supposed to be weird? huh. Go figure.
Take note. I have a strong heart, and a weak heart. Before you beat me up saying I'm an idiot, "Like, dude, a guy's only got, like, one heart. *smokes weed*", I meant,
I have a strong heart, Empirically.
And a weak heart, Emotionally.
P/S: Happy Birthday to me~ yay~ ironically, the first to wish me on my cell was someone I didnt even save a contact number, so I dont know who it is. lol
Oh God this is sarcastic. Sime Darby, you better be very nice with me..
July, the beginning of the end.
Yeah, yeah, say what you want.
wait, what is it you want to say?
... and no, I'm not writing these useless lines to waver from the fact that nothing's been written since May. (OMG that's gotta be like, last year or something)
Allow me to distract your attention to a very big piece of news.
Are you ready for this??
No, I am not trying to make this post look longer.
wait, what is it you want to say?
... and no, I'm not writing these useless lines to waver from the fact that nothing's been written since May. (OMG that's gotta be like, last year or something)
Allow me to distract your attention to a very big piece of news.
Are you ready for this??
No, I am not trying to make this post look longer.
Spider-man Lost a FIGHT!!!!
... Right around now, you must be thinking,
"Liar liar pants on Fire~ Spider-Man can't LOSE. He's, like, the superhero of superheroes. He has cool spider sense, he got webs coming out of his hands, he has extraordinary strength and agility~ He's, well... SPIDER-MAN! There's no way you're telling the truth.."
*flips hair*
Meh. Ok, you got me, I lied.. The real news is...
... and right around now, you must be thinking I'm retarded or something.
Well, in my defence, allow me to redirect you to a few websites using something I would like to call the uber-cool Hyperlink. Please, click HERE~!! and.. HERE~!!! and if that's still not good enough for you, here's an article from MARVEL itself.. which you can get... HERE, BABY~!!!
And right about now, you must be feeling... well... pretty sad.
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He was.. My Hero... |
Well, I don't blame you. I was pretty messed up the first time I heard this.
It still sounds unbelievable. But hey, it's the truth.
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Yeah, Mary Jane, take that! haha, now ur a widow! *bitchslap* (OMG i hate myself) |
p/s : pictures are not mine. :p
A short one.
Mom is "Baking a cake for dummies", and dad is showing off "Dangdut Singing Talent", big bro playing "DOTA", and lil' bro is "Escaping From Doing Homework Espionage". This is my family. Thank you. :)
To eat Durian is To go to Pahang (my 5 year hometown)
Have you ever heard of....
The Musang King ?
No, this is not some sort of Government propaganda, nor is it a new conspiracy theory. The Musang King have been colonising us since the dawn of the "Age of Durians", right here in our beloved country. Do you know why there is always an English name of a local tropical fruit, but Durians maintain their Malay name, even in English. Well, let's learn a little about the shocking truth behind the enchanting/magical/uber powerful fruit...
Warning! Hard Facts. If you love peace and Bob Marley, stop reading.
In 1932, a professor from an Ivy League University went to Malaysia in a study trip. He was introduced to durians, and he became fond of the fruit. Having asked the English name of the fruit, the locals didn't say a thing, and awkwardly brushed of the idea. The professor, on the other hand, went back to Europe and decided to create an English name for the fruit.
After finishing making a few deals with the Oxforrd Dictionary Press, and receiving the 'Right to Name' for the durian, he finally decided on a suitable name for the Malaysian fruit. but just as he was writing the name in the dictionary form, he started having a seizure and died on the spot.
At the same time, a particular type of durian tree glowed a bright yellow here in Malaysia. yes, it was the Musang King Durian trees. this bizarre phenomenon was not reported as the Malayan Regime was busy fighting Communists.
You see, the King of the durian family, the Musang King did not permit the man to rewrite its name, and by some weird voodoo powers, stopped the pityful professor by killing him.
... OK, gila x beievable cerita aku -.-' baik aku stop sebelum aku sambung gedik dgn lebih mendalam.
If u've been reading the nonsense above, it should be clear to u the EPIC-ness of the Musang King Durian. it is for this Malaysian treasure that my parents went to BENTONG, PAHANG. And, quite satisfyingly, brought back The Musang King. XD
Here are some pics of the magical fruit.
They went for Bentong at 6 in the morning and came back by 12. gila semangat. kahkah nasib baik sedap. :p
P/S: The above story is (clearly) fiction, and the Musang King really is arguably the best type of durian out there. so go find it! Oh, and The Musang King is originally known as Durian Kunyit, deriving its name from the yellow colour of the turmeric. Its place of origin is said to be Gua Musang, Kelantan (The Star). XD Toodles~
Warning! Hard Facts. If you love peace and Bob Marley, stop reading.
In 1932, a professor from an Ivy League University went to Malaysia in a study trip. He was introduced to durians, and he became fond of the fruit. Having asked the English name of the fruit, the locals didn't say a thing, and awkwardly brushed of the idea. The professor, on the other hand, went back to Europe and decided to create an English name for the fruit.
After finishing making a few deals with the Oxforrd Dictionary Press, and receiving the 'Right to Name' for the durian, he finally decided on a suitable name for the Malaysian fruit. but just as he was writing the name in the dictionary form, he started having a seizure and died on the spot.
At the same time, a particular type of durian tree glowed a bright yellow here in Malaysia. yes, it was the Musang King Durian trees. this bizarre phenomenon was not reported as the Malayan Regime was busy fighting Communists.
You see, the King of the durian family, the Musang King did not permit the man to rewrite its name, and by some weird voodoo powers, stopped the pityful professor by killing him.
... OK, gila x beievable cerita aku -.-' baik aku stop sebelum aku sambung gedik dgn lebih mendalam.
If u've been reading the nonsense above, it should be clear to u the EPIC-ness of the Musang King Durian. it is for this Malaysian treasure that my parents went to BENTONG, PAHANG. And, quite satisfyingly, brought back The Musang King. XD
Here are some pics of the magical fruit.
some RM 50+ for 1 fruit. Dayymm |
Juicy, Succulent, Beautiful. |
They went for Bentong at 6 in the morning and came back by 12. gila semangat. kahkah nasib baik sedap. :p
P/S: The above story is (clearly) fiction, and the Musang King really is arguably the best type of durian out there. so go find it! Oh, and The Musang King is originally known as Durian Kunyit, deriving its name from the yellow colour of the turmeric. Its place of origin is said to be Gua Musang, Kelantan (The Star). XD Toodles~
To write in a marathon-like way is to have no job. (unlike many of my friends)
yes, lets see how much entries I can write in exactly 1 hour. *deep breath*
Of Breakfasts and Dilemmas (official time wasting)
I, for one, love to eat breakfast early in the morning and sleep right after. Its the greatest feeling to sleep in the coldness of the morning with something warm in my belly. N I've been livin in such a way its actually become a routine. :p
However, TODAY, I am making a difference, becoz TODAY, I didn't sleep after breakfast. :D believe it or not right now its 7.45 a.m. in clear sunlight! n I'm writing an entry! This.. must be a sign of the end of the world. lol. If not, this is a sign of Melle Abadi getting married before I do. (wait, what?)
In any case, I just had breakfast. (yes, this is the main point) It was a scrumptious sandwich and a few nuggets. The main dish was accompanied by a generous amount of Milo Fuze 3 in 1 coz I was too lazy to make "actual" milo. a clear image could be seen with the GIF IMAGE below.
However, TODAY, I am making a difference, becoz TODAY, I didn't sleep after breakfast. :D believe it or not right now its 7.45 a.m. in clear sunlight! n I'm writing an entry! This.. must be a sign of the end of the world. lol. If not, this is a sign of Melle Abadi getting married before I do. (wait, what?)
In any case, I just had breakfast. (yes, this is the main point) It was a scrumptious sandwich and a few nuggets. The main dish was accompanied by a generous amount of Milo Fuze 3 in 1 coz I was too lazy to make "actual" milo. a clear image could be seen with the GIF IMAGE below.
Yes, I love my breakfast. n no, there are no satanic hidden message in the GIF image whatsoever. if u ever thought that way, ur prejudiced. if u never did, ur too carefree. Darkness is upon us, cant u see? Christina Aguilera said there's a genie in that bottle..! n it aint no nice genie. it gonna kick yo in the lower back! *baiknya bahasa lol*
Yes, I love breakfast.
Thinking about it with a lil' more logic now, why do I even bothered to write this seemingly useless entry, when I have hundreds of thousands of unfinished posts in my drafts folder?! (thats a lie. I only have 9 drafts)
Why in heavens would I write about 'breakfast' when I am facing the 'biggest possible problem in my academic life'? a bigger problem than not understanding how soap compound is constructed in Miss Subathini's Chemistry class n not knowing why the vertical graph is called the x-axis when the y-axis gets the horizontal one. yes, my entire future is in jeopardy if i fail to assess this problem wisely.
So.. what is this problem anyway? (its hard to actually say it when u already wrote a lot of exaggeration about it. it like dat feeling when I know I'd be laughed at by Siti N. Fadhilah or Ammad Izzat or Pinto)
*ehem* I was actually called for interview to get a spot for a degree in mass communications (PR) (Hons.) in UiTM. However, my first choice is actually English for Professional Communication (Horns.). Problem is, if i pass the innerview, I'd directly be admitted to mass comm, n i dun want dat. so i'm planning to ditch the interview but then i'm scared i won't get a spot in English For Pro Comm. yes, sounds scary, yea? coz if i dun get both, i'm gonna have to live with a degree in Law, which is next in line. ... wait.
State Attorney Farris...
"As Selangor State Attorney, I find you.. Guilty." |
Oh mai Gawd dats, like, the coolest thing ever! :DD I'm a genius! (I'm also not that tall. ?? )
So what about it? a lawyer sounds nice too. So there is no dilemma I guess. one thing's for sure, I wont be going to the interview. (result SPM pon dah ntah mana... :p)
*menguap* okay aku mengantuk. Better take a nap now before the coldness of the morning disappears into the heat of the afternoon. Till next time, TOODLES~ XD
The greatest of people is one who can shine whenever he/she is placed.
(kalau org melayu ckp "benuh yg baik kalau campak mana2 pon akan jadi benda yg cool. permata lah, intan lah, pulau lah" lol. BM is still the most beautiful language sebenarnya. apsal tetiba aku sentimental/jiwang ngan bahasa ibonda ni? wa nak tido. hee~ :p)
To have a baby is to eat chocolate cake
I like babies.
Let’s forget that I haven’t been writing in a while, and focus on this guy right here:
elele tomey tomey |
No, if your attention was focused on the left, you need spectacles. (n if u were wearing a pair, go kill urself) I was referring to the baby on the right. Let me introduce him to u.
Omar. >.< |
His name is Saiful. (clearly) U see, Saiful is a normal 1 year old with all the normal traits of a 1 year old. A 1 year old smile, 1 year old charm, 1 year old cuteness, and 1 year old poop.
Have I mentioned I like babies?
One of my main goals in life is to live to see my grandchildren, given that I have such an opportunity. “So, I need to marry someone who also likes babies, so that we could breed” - Haziq Ashraf (2011).
One of my other goals in life is to eat a lot of good food. Depicted below is a simple description of my noble goal.
Cake Aura |
Thankfully, like me, Saiful knows how to appreciate heavenly goodness, namely the chocolate lava cake by Dominoes. (Thank you Donald Trump)
Pizza Hut ada? lol :p |
Being a semi-avant garde cook myself, it’s a shame to actually admit that I do not possess the abilities to bake chocolate cake, less one with creamy choc lava as shown above. “So, I need to marry someone who could bake me chocolate cake, so that I would die smiling” – Mike Mikhail (2011).
But babies and chocolate cake alone are not sufficient to ensure prosperity, for these two things need maintenance to keep a continuous flow of supplies. (ok itu pelik bunyinya.) Yes, we need money. I don’t want my kids to eat sand, and I also don’t want my kids to eat healthy food while I am the one stuck with eating sand.
Money is the basic form of life, much more basic than the usual unicellular organisms on our body. Its importance is simply too overrated until even babies know about it. In World Invasion: LA, thealiens came for our money. well whatever, Saiful, pose!
5 ringgit, bagi budak2 sangat besar jumlahnya |
WARNING: duit banyak kuman, jgn letak dlm mulut. (?) |
So yeah, only with the presence of money can babies and chocolate cake come together. It’s the basis for algorithm. “So, I need to marry someone who has their eyes on money” wait, what? -.-
kahkah~! Saiful, here’s a kiss! XD
kau kalau dapat kiss dari akak2 comel kau suka kan? dari aku kau buat muka monyok. cis -.- |
And maybe, one day I’ll have my own bubbly kid with my future wife. Which brings me to the question of who dis future wife would be? Hmm, someone who likes kids and can bake chocolate cake… *ponder*
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Candidate 1. |
Pon boleh. :)
P/S: The baby's name is truly Omar, and Candidate 1's picture is simply a random picture from Google. ;)
To have a cellphone is to appreciate it
I have a lot of posts to write, but this one just couldn't wait, or I'll die of regret. OK now, 1.. 2.. 3...!!!!!
My pride n joy :') |
The current wallpaper of my baby. :') |
My dear... She has grown. :') |
<3 <3 <3 |
I.. I... I LOVE YOU. <3 ahakksss~!! XD
Through pain n laughter, u've been there for me, for one whole year now. I wish I can treat u to some Haagen Dazs, but ur a phone. :p hee, I'll write more on u later eyh baby? ;) xoxo. 4/4/2011. -F2F-
To have a study camp is... to become a satanic teacher?
When I was in primary I had a study group for UPSR. It consisted of 5 people, all with their respective specialty subject. These people then become the sensei of such subjects to the others. I was stuck as the English teacher of the group, and was called the "Angelic Teacher of Death". (No, I didn't just made that up.) I was evidently strict in my supervision, and I could remember asking them to write random stuff every week, which then became my favourite exercise. You see, there is limitless pleasure one could get from reading random essays from other people. I liek teh feeling verry munchkins~! ;)
So anyway, back to here-n-now. I'm currently in ma future house... i mean, a house of ma friend, and we're havin the most EPIC. STUDY CAMP. EVA~!!! WOOHHOOOOO~!! XD ... which ofcourse implies that we're not really studyin. -.- but hey, all the blame should go to the guy who even thought of havin this study camp. That guy, and the guy who volunteered to be the teacher. yeah, its not the student's fault if they dont learn anythin! its the teacher's fault! and waddup with the title "Satanic Teacher"? who do u think u are? u.. u.. oh wait. dat guy would be me.
Today. Today, for sure, I'll make them learn something. -.-
I'll become the perfect Satanic Teacher any teacher (or satan) can ever be, and show the world my wrath and wisdom and love and compassion and greed and hunger and sleepiness (?) all at the same time, and become the PERFECT BEING, like the creature below.
Jigglypuff I Love You. <3
So prepare, u (satanic?) students! I'll make sure u pass the final exam like a hot knife through a mild, home made chocolate cake! in fact, I'll teach u so well, u'll laugh at quotes from Newton, Sophie Kinsella, and Charlie Gordon (coz u wont understand them) BOOYAH, World~! get ready for the Study Camp Of Da Century~! XD
... but before that, ibunya, nak makannnn... ;p
Firstly, ignore the Jigglypuff as a PERFECT BEING. if you've been through high school, u will understand that nothin's perfect. :p
Aite guys, thinking back, the first reason I had for having a blog is to make way for a platform for me to write stuff. Not day-to-day stuff like blogs are meant to be for, but narratives and poems and the sort. (I fail at writing daily stuff anyway. :p) Anyway, what I'm tryin teh say is dat I modded another page for that purpose, and you can check it out HERE. Its still new n fresh n all, but I bet it'll be flourished by a few months, given that imma have a bunch a' time during the long hols. This coincidentally brings us the the next section:
have a story to tell? a poem to write? Lets write it together! :D contact me for further details.
So anyway, back to here-n-now. I'm currently in ma future house... i mean, a house of ma friend, and we're havin the most EPIC. STUDY CAMP. EVA~!!! WOOHHOOOOO~!! XD ... which ofcourse implies that we're not really studyin. -.- but hey, all the blame should go to the guy who even thought of havin this study camp. That guy, and the guy who volunteered to be the teacher. yeah, its not the student's fault if they dont learn anythin! its the teacher's fault! and waddup with the title "Satanic Teacher"? who do u think u are? u.. u.. oh wait. dat guy would be me.
Today. Today, for sure, I'll make them learn something. -.-
I'll become the perfect Satanic Teacher any teacher (or satan) can ever be, and show the world my wrath and wisdom and love and compassion and greed and hunger and sleepiness (?) all at the same time, and become the PERFECT BEING, like the creature below.
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Jigglypuff I Love You. <3
So prepare, u (satanic?) students! I'll make sure u pass the final exam like a hot knife through a mild, home made chocolate cake! in fact, I'll teach u so well, u'll laugh at quotes from Newton, Sophie Kinsella, and Charlie Gordon (coz u wont understand them) BOOYAH, World~! get ready for the Study Camp Of Da Century~! XD
... but before that, ibunya, nak makannnn... ;p
Firstly, ignore the Jigglypuff as a PERFECT BEING. if you've been through high school, u will understand that nothin's perfect. :p
Aite guys, thinking back, the first reason I had for having a blog is to make way for a platform for me to write stuff. Not day-to-day stuff like blogs are meant to be for, but narratives and poems and the sort. (I fail at writing daily stuff anyway. :p) Anyway, what I'm tryin teh say is dat I modded another page for that purpose, and you can check it out HERE. Its still new n fresh n all, but I bet it'll be flourished by a few months, given that imma have a bunch a' time during the long hols. This coincidentally brings us the the next section:
have a story to tell? a poem to write? Lets write it together! :D contact me for further details.
To be, or not to be?
Please, be reminded that the Title of the entry brings no significance to anybody's life, belonging, or chicken curry.
See, I've got lots to write, but time isnt really a friend of mine, and thus I didnt write anything. then, as time flows on, lots of other stuff happened, which I want to write also, but then time still hates me, so I didnt write. This has been going on for quite a while (specifically 2 years), and now I dont feel like writing any of it anymore. It's as if I have become emotionless to the things I have great feelings for in the past, and such a thing scars me inside. So right now, the question remains, "Should I write them, or should I not?"
Please, be reminded again that the Title of the entry still doesn't bring any significance to anybody's life, belonging, or chicken curry.
So, after a day of meditation with myself and a playlist of Guitar hero songs, here's what I am gonna do. Imma write all that is sposed to be written in between my 2 year hiatus before I started writing again this year. It's gonna be, like, A LOT of stuff, so readers, u can just skip it all, less u are interested in my life progression since the middle year of Form 5 up till now. So anyway, lets get it all over and done! :DD
See, I've got lots to write, but time isnt really a friend of mine, and thus I didnt write anything. then, as time flows on, lots of other stuff happened, which I want to write also, but then time still hates me, so I didnt write. This has been going on for quite a while (specifically 2 years), and now I dont feel like writing any of it anymore. It's as if I have become emotionless to the things I have great feelings for in the past, and such a thing scars me inside. So right now, the question remains, "Should I write them, or should I not?"
Please, be reminded again that the Title of the entry still doesn't bring any significance to anybody's life, belonging, or chicken curry.
So, after a day of meditation with myself and a playlist of Guitar hero songs, here's what I am gonna do. Imma write all that is sposed to be written in between my 2 year hiatus before I started writing again this year. It's gonna be, like, A LOT of stuff, so readers, u can just skip it all, less u are interested in my life progression since the middle year of Form 5 up till now. So anyway, lets get it all over and done! :DD
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Going back the road of memories... |
Well, my own memories are kinda blur, so there might be a few details left out, but still, here goes. It was after the mid-terms, of which I kinda flunked. It was then when I realised how darn of a slacker I am, who never studies for anything. (I hate chemistry. tetibe.) ... ok, now I dah xde semangat nak tulis lagi. -.- (semua salah chemistry. damn!) OMG this is soo boring. well, anyway, lets just say I finished High school, with an SPM slip I dunno if I should be proud of. END OF HIGH SCHOOL, YAYYY~!!!! kahkahkah pemalasnya aku!!!
Ok, next I went through PLKN, n then I got into UiTM, which is part of my life dream. Malaysia is so nice. :) oh, just for the pleasure of it, letak la sikit gambar kenangan.
Sekolah Terchenta~ |
Pemandangan Indah gila nak mampos lagi boleh tak? |
Semesta... Gemilang... Terbilang... :') |
Memori dik-adik dorm terchenta ngan trophy besar sebijik :DD rindu plak diorang ni.. |
Bersama makcik Dewan Makan~!! XD we love you~!! |
Abg senior A104, F2F :P |
Memori hari terakhir bersama budak dorm, meninggalkan "Legend", iaitu baju yg ditulis kata2 terakhir :') |
Memori lepak bilik ketua pelajar :D |
Memori lukis komik for cikgu bahasa German, Sie Anne~ :) Deutch Ist Super! |
Memori dapat piala best debater XD |
Memori reka binatang x berguna langsung.. |
Memori "Bulan Paling Chantek seluruh Alam" |
Memori makan2 bersama rakan~ |
Memori "empat yg paling rapat" :') |
Memori sekumpulan org yg pelik/menarik |
Memori rakan se-dorm terbaik~! Go Amar~! |
Memori rumah sukan menang byk award :D |
Memori hari terakhir, lepak padang :) |
Memori hari sukan. hee~ |
Memori best friend. :') |
Memori menembak @ PLKN |
Memori group terchenta @ PLKN :D |
Memori pakcik askar terbaik @ PLKN :'D |
... Now I want to cry.
A lot has happened in my life, but there are stuff that I have mercilessly forgotten. A bundle of feelings of which can never return to me.. knowing such a fact makes me wanna kill myself.. Damn.
That's why.. that's why I'll write everything down, starting now. No more letting memories fly. I want to remember everything. every single feeling, every single emotion.. especially now, when my heart has been affected, in more ways than one. ... but lets save that for another day.
Now, if u are someone who knows my style of writing, u could see I'm starting to blabber, of which I truly am.. after placing the above photos, a deep, deep conviction in the deepest part of my being is now rumbling back to life, and at the moment I am shaken by a rush of emotion, or rather a mix of emotions. Its getting hard for me to write, so I'd better get myself together again. In any case, this entry has given me light, both to my untouched past, and my blinded future.. urrghh damn these feelings. but I guess to feel is to be human. I can't be empirical forever, now can I? sigh.
I dunno what to feel or write anymore, so toodles~
-The Confused F2F-
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