Please, be reminded that the Title of the entry brings no significance to anybody's life, belonging, or chicken curry.
See, I've got lots to write, but time isnt really a friend of mine, and thus I didnt write anything. then, as time flows on, lots of other stuff happened, which I want to write also, but then time still hates me, so I didnt write. This has been going on for quite a while (specifically 2 years), and now I dont feel like writing any of it anymore. It's as if I have become emotionless to the things I have great feelings for in the past, and such a thing scars me inside. So right now, the question remains, "Should I write them, or should I not?"
Please, be reminded again that the Title of the entry still doesn't bring any significance to anybody's life, belonging, or chicken curry.
So, after a day of meditation with myself and a playlist of Guitar hero songs, here's what I am gonna do. Imma write all that is sposed to be written in between my 2 year hiatus before I started writing again this year. It's gonna be, like, A LOT of stuff, so readers, u can just skip it all, less u are interested in my life progression since the middle year of Form 5 up till now. So anyway, lets get it all over and done! :DD
Going back the road of memories... |
Well, my own memories are kinda blur, so there might be a few details left out, but still, here goes. It was after the mid-terms, of which I kinda flunked. It was then when I realised how darn of a slacker I am, who never studies for anything. (I hate chemistry. tetibe.) ... ok, now I dah xde semangat nak tulis lagi. -.- (semua salah chemistry. damn!) OMG this is soo boring. well, anyway, lets just say I finished High school, with an SPM slip I dunno if I should be proud of. END OF HIGH SCHOOL, YAYYY~!!!! kahkahkah pemalasnya aku!!!
Ok, next I went through PLKN, n then I got into UiTM, which is part of my life dream. Malaysia is so nice. :) oh, just for the pleasure of it, letak la sikit gambar kenangan.
Sekolah Terchenta~ |
Pemandangan Indah gila nak mampos lagi boleh tak? |
Semesta... Gemilang... Terbilang... :') |
Memori dik-adik dorm terchenta ngan trophy besar sebijik :DD rindu plak diorang ni.. |
Bersama makcik Dewan Makan~!! XD we love you~!! |
Abg senior A104, F2F :P |
Memori hari terakhir bersama budak dorm, meninggalkan "Legend", iaitu baju yg ditulis kata2 terakhir :') |
Memori lepak bilik ketua pelajar :D |
Memori lukis komik for cikgu bahasa German, Sie Anne~ :) Deutch Ist Super! |
Memori english debate team~ |
Memori jejaka2 debate n debat bm. :') |
1st line-up English debaters~! |
Memori dapat piala best debater XD |
Memori reka binatang x berguna langsung.. |
Memori "Bulan Paling Chantek seluruh Alam" |
Memori makan2 bersama rakan~ |
Memori "empat yg paling rapat" :') |
Memori sekumpulan org yg pelik/menarik |
Memori rakan se-dorm terbaik~! Go Amar~! |
Memori rumah sukan menang byk award :D |
Memori hari terakhir, lepak padang :) |
Memori hari sukan. hee~ |
Memori best friend. :') |
Memori menembak @ PLKN |
Memori group terchenta @ PLKN :D |
Memori pakcik askar terbaik @ PLKN :'D |
... Now I want to cry.
A lot has happened in my life, but there are stuff that I have mercilessly forgotten. A bundle of feelings of which can never return to me.. knowing such a fact makes me wanna kill myself.. Damn.
That's why.. that's why I'll write everything down, starting now. No more letting memories fly. I want to remember everything. every single feeling, every single emotion.. especially now, when my heart has been affected, in more ways than one. ... but lets save that for another day.
Now, if u are someone who knows my style of writing, u could see I'm starting to blabber, of which I truly am.. after placing the above photos, a deep, deep conviction in the deepest part of my being is now rumbling back to life, and at the moment I am shaken by a rush of emotion, or rather a mix of emotions. Its getting hard for me to write, so I'd better get myself together again. In any case, this entry has given me light, both to my untouched past, and my blinded future.. urrghh damn these feelings. but I guess to feel is to be human. I can't be empirical forever, now can I? sigh.
I dunno what to feel or write anymore, so toodles~
-The Confused F2F-
abg debater terbaikkk~ nak signnn~ lol (i setakat dalm sekolah je. sorok muka)
lol. meh sini, nak sign mana? ;)
hi farris. :DDDDD
*making my first appearance here*
hi Yong~~~~~~~~ :D
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