Oh wow I suddenly realised I have feelings~!

... and that's supposed to be weird? huh. Go figure.

Take note. I have a strong heart, and a weak heart. Before you beat me up saying I'm an idiot, "Like, dude, a guy's only got, like, one heart. *smokes weed*", I meant,

I have a strong heart, Empirically.

And a weak heart, Emotionally.

P/S: Happy Birthday to me~ yay~ ironically, the first to wish me on my cell was someone I didnt even save a contact number, so I dont know who it is. lol

Oh God this is sarcastic. Sime Darby, you better be very nice with me..


Melle Abadi said...

im the guys everybdys been talking about <-----TAK BOLEH BLAAAH

freeze 2 farris said...

well, I AM. :DD LOL