moshimoshi...!!! its been a while.. i'm juz writing to tell of me taking spm this year, n i hope i'll do good...(somehow that doesn't sound rite..) nevertheless, i have yet again receive a new idea in light writing. hoho.. umm.. i.. think.. i'm losing my touch.. dang! putting that aside, i've just visited this girl's blog and followed her blog, although she's just a newbie.. however, she seems like she has some talent (if ur reading this, fatin, don't be too happy) i'll test her later. now, for some serious stuff.
the way of a writer is not an easy one, i just realized. it seems the possibility of even getting a name in malaysia is shallow. to master in literature is scary. like paper that is aged, it becomes better, a pen that is not used in a while will lose its initial smoothness. i purely believe that my writing will be in danger this year, with the exams and all.
"to write is to live"
btw, i got my hands on persona 4 already and its wicked cool!!! although there are some things i'd miss from p3fes like minato's health. oh' and i named my mc for p4 sasaki kiyoshi. thats also the name of the mc of my 3rd light reading novel that i juz got. i'll write about it next.
jaa ne!
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